Hospitality. Inflation, geopolitcal instability and the pandemic: flexibility might still be key


These last two years demonstrated that the Travel & Hospitality is far more dependent on social, economic and political events than any other industry. The impact of changes in any one of these realms on tourism is stronger than on any other sector of economic activity. Italy’s GDP increased by 6% in 2021. This growth … [Read more…]

Penelope’s Discipline. A way to rethink marketing, society and economy


‘Two third of what you see is behind your eyes’. This is what Gianrico Carofiglio writes in one of his latest novel’s last pages. The novel’s title is “Penelope’s Discipline”. The above quote expresses the paradigm shift on which the book is based. The novel is a detective story that questions ne of the most … [Read more…]

Mario Vargas Llosa on the power of communication to change society


Can speech change the societal world? The answer is yes, it can. Once an idea gains wide social consensus, manages to become dominant and colonises the political discourse, it can change society and its economic and institutional order. After the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Real Socialism, many right and left wing liberal … [Read more…]

The meaning of marketing in the industry of high-quality goods


As we have said elsewhere in this magazine, so-called luxury is about a combination of high level skills and competence, cultural awareness (on the side of both the producer and the consumer) and heritage. According to this interpretation, the term luxury does no longer indicate something expensive which draws boundaries between those who and those … [Read more…]

The role of electoral systems in guaranteeing political stability


The last article addressed the issue of the role that political stability plays in ensuring economic stability. We saw how unstable political systems made of internally belligerent political parties negatively affect economy. As toxic dynamics of reciprocal vetoes on the complex of measures to be enacted in order to get the system going obstruct the … [Read more…]

The role of political stability in economy

European Union

Economy needs political stability to work and prosper. Democracy certainly is an imperfect form of political organisation. Yet, among the most imperfect forms of political organisation, is the one that more successfully proved to be able to guarantee the general wellbeing of people. In democracy, such stability relies on the existence of diverse political parties … [Read more…]

Let’s not call it luxury. Let’s call it high-quality market.

Luxury Marketing

As a marketer working in the luxury tourism industry, I often notice how much the concept of luxury industry is misinterpreted. Luxury is often employed as synonymous of ‘exclusiveness’. Hence, the idea that the luxury market is, by its own nature, exclusive, both socially and economically, of someone (the majority of people who does not … [Read more…]

Marketing in Capri’s tourism economy


The Covid-19 pandemics showed the fragility of the local tourism system. Such fragility long existed before the spread of the pandemics and was not caused by it. As this fragility reflects the complexity of a system that almost entirely shapes Capri’s economy, we need to adopt approaches and instruments that allow us to understand such … [Read more…]